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Money Concepts – The Ripples of Money


Why does it seem that the world is full of ideas like?:


“Money is the root of evil.”

“Women aren’t good with money.”

“Watch the cents, and the $ will take care of themselves”

“Rich people are evil.”

“There is never enough money.”

“I don’t know how to make money.”

“I can’t stop spending money.”

“There is never enough money.”



The list goes on and on. Yet, so often, we don’t see the power of these stories circulating in our minds, which create feelings which result in how we ACT around money. Instead, they weave into our thoughts (micro-stories or small sentences) and emotions, eventually affecting our willingness to take positive action around money.


Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, and no one is poor. We’ve got 24 hours each. –Christopher Rice

We like the concept in this quote. Read why we think it’s a great way to think about time and money.



The Three Money Ripples









At the WAVE, we see money in three concepts which are dependent on our thinking and create potential ripples in our lives:


  1. Create – money created by us through passive income, wages, business earnings etc.
  2. Own – the money we have in the world, bank, investments, loans to us, assets or debt we owe
  3. Invest – The money we spend or invest in obtaining, enjoying or consuming


We think differently about each of these areas, and that thinking drives our feelings and actions, hence our money outcomes.


At the centre of these three concepts, we can blend our thoughts to create, invest and own money in a way we like, enjoy and feel great. We can work with money to create what we love to own and invest in bringing joy.


  1. Money Ripple – Creating


Often our thoughts (micro-stories) about money are weighted toward one of the key concepts.

We can spend a large part of life thinking that creating money is hard and that we must work many hours and push ourselves to make money. We also think there  is a big rush to” get there.”


The more we RESET our thinking, we see helplessness when we tell ourselves, “it’s too hard” We don’t have the energy/vitality and find the time to succeed in the more challenging tasks, creating more value and money. Then our thoughts become true; it’s too hard. 😳. We can also tell ourselves it’s “not fair”. But, hey, we are all human, and these thoughts are thrown up because our brains have made them accessible.



However, as we move our thoughts to the fantastic value in what we create and how our investments of time and money are prospering, it becomes easy. Then we feel energised and take all the actions that no longer seem hard. Then we get the outcomes we want with less time.   We can use that energy and time to create, plan and act, regardless of whether it is uncomfortable or not.  😋


Our DARE tool creates ways to face that discomfort. We think it’s better to grow with discomfort than experience the discomfort of feeling bad not creating money everyday.


  1. Money Ripples – Investing


Let’s look at investing (spending). Even the concept of spending can create feelings of loss or a mystery about how there can ever be as much as we want.


We could look at everything we spend as an investment in our life, the lifestyle we want, and the ways we can improve the way we can improve our future earnings.


Simple changes in our thinking can change the way we spend money. For example, I used to go to markets/shops and see many things I wanted to buy, bringing them home. I learnt to visualise where in my house it would go and how it would look. Then I realised whether it was a good investment and whether I loved it or not.


When I buy things, I love them 😍  for the “investment return” I will get. E.g.


  • Something for my house – that my heart lights up when I see it
  • Lovely fresh lovely food – my body thanks me
  • A service for my business – the investment return in my business
  • Coaching and learning for myself – the more significant life I give myself


What do you think about the money you spend? Does it feel great to make the choices you make around spending? Of course, they are all choices; sometimes, it just feels like we can’t stop ourselves.


  1. Money Ripples – Own


At times I have felt “wrong” about owning money. Like many people who own money, we can feel embarrassed and ashamed, like we are wrong. There are money concepts in the world that would lead to feeling like we should give all our money away or do something else than what we are doing with it (own and enjoy our ownership)


Owning money gives us options – it doesn’t make us bad or good person. It allows us to extend the person we are and do more of who we are. If we are generous people, we can be more generous when we have more money.


Sure some people who own money do things we don’t like. But, there were things we would not have liked regardless of their money. Money just enabled them more.


How do you feel about the money you own?


The Resistance to the Ripples


When we tell our money story, it feels so real. We want to tell people about our particular situation, provide evidence of what happened and our actions and explain why money is a problem.


It’s not situations and the actions or lack of action which are the problem. It’s the way we think and feels approaching challenges and opportunities. That leads to actions or a lack of action, which creates results we might not like.d


We have created ways to RESET your thoughts and change your spending habits or how you create money. All are resulting in “money in the bank” for you to own!


We can Help


We explore tips and tricks on RESET; DECIDE so you can ACT around your relationship with MONEY.

We love to hear from our community! Leave your insights or comments below.

At the, we can help you connect to your purpose and live your intentional life.

We would love to be a catalyst for you to step into a future version of yourself.

You can STOP OVERthinking, LET GO of OVERworking, STOP being OVERwhelmed and Reset, Decide and ACT;

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See you soon 🙂


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Christine Jull

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